


  • Per Base Sequence Quality
  • Per Sequence Quality Scores
  • Per Base Sequence Content
  • Per Base GC Content
  • Per Sequence GC Content
  • Per Base N Content
  • Sequence Length Distribution
  • Duplicate Sequences
  • Overrepresented Sequences
  • Overrepresented Kmers

To visualize multiple fastQC, use MultiQC.


It is an alternative program used to trim sequences of adapter sequences. See trimmomatic for one such alternative.


It is an all in one preprocessing package that combines other packages such as bowtie host DNA removal, and trimmomatic to remove adapter sequence.


Decontanimate (Not decontaminate) is a software that uses bowtie indexes to speed up alignment of reads of sequences to a target genome and remove matches.


Bowtie2 is an algorithm that aligns a short sequence read to a large reference genome in a way that is computationally efficient. To achieve the speed up, it creates an index using the Burrows-Wheeler transform which reduces the memory footprint to around 2.2GB for a human genome.

Removing Host Sequence The Bowtie 2 index is based on the FM Index of Ferragina and Manzini, which in turn is based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform.


Fast P is a read trimming algorith that supposedly performs faster than Trimmomatic.


Trimmomatic analyzes raw reads and trim out sequencing artifacts and adapter sequences. In the paper, the technical sequence mentioned includes primarily the adapter sequences and other auxillary sequences that are not derived from the sample. It also trims long reads based on Window Slidding and Maximal Information quality filtering. The figures below summarize the concepts.

  1. Simple Model

  2. 'Palindrome' Mode

  3. Maximal Information Quality Filtering (from the paper)